Montgomeryshire MP Backs Secretary of State’s Promise to Work Closely with Welsh Government

Glyn Davies, Montgomeryshire’s Conservative MP and PPS to the Wales Office is enthusiastically supporting Cheryl Gillan’s commitment to work with Welsh Ministers in the interests of Wales. She made the commitment in her keynote speech at this week’s Conservative Party Conference in Manchester.

Glyn Davies also believes that Cheryl Gillan has delivered more for the Welsh Assembly than any Labour Secretary of State would have done, in particularly a referendum which allowed Welsh voters to secure law-making powers and in setting up a commission to grant financial accountability to the Welsh Government,

Supporting Cheryl Gillan’s speech, Glyn Davies said;

“I am fully committed to the Wales Office in London working in tandem with Welsh Ministers in Cardiff to achieve what’s best for Wales – and so is Cheryl Gillan, the Secretary of State for Wales. I was very pleased that she put this commitment at the heart of her speech to the Conservative Conference in Manchester this week.”

“The British constitution is going through a period of uncertainty, with the Assembly being granted law making powers.  In addition, we are going to establish a commission to consider how the Welsh Government gets its money and how to make Welsh ministers accountable. We want Carwyn Jones and his ministers to get on with the job, not drag their feet, blaming others, and complaining about what powers they have not got.!”

“I want to see a strong union of the four home countries, with the UK Government working well with devolved governments across Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland.  I genuinely believe that our Coalition Government has done more and will do more to make a strong National Assembly for Wales than Labour would ever have done.”

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