UCAC Strike over Pensions

Members of UCAC education union all over Wales will be on strike on Wednesday 5 October to protest against the Westminster Government’s proposed cuts to pensions.

Schools will closed, or partially closed, in every part of Wales as members show their anger at the Government’s proposals. The strike will also hit Further Education Colleges and post-92 universities.

Elaine Edwards, UCAC’s General Secretary said “The Government’s proposals are totally unnecessary and absolutely unfair. Asking teachers and lecturers to pay more each month, to work until they’re 68 and even then to receive smaller payments in retirement shows a lack of understanding of the nature of the profession and also a complete lack of respect to educators.”

“The Teachers’ Pension Scheme is sustainable. That isn’t the problem. The problem is the enormous deficit created by the bankers – but the government won’t own up to that.”

“For teachers, taking strike action doesn’t come easily; we’re all too aware of the effect on pupils and their parents. But we’re concerned that this attack on pensions will have a negative impact on educational standards by making teaching a less attractive profession – and we know that that’s a matter of concern for parents too.”


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