Low Carbon Energy Supply can drive economic growth for Wales

A conference on the future or renewable energy in Wales will hear that delivering more renewable energy supplies from Wales will prove to be a major economic driver in Wales.

Peter Davies, Sustainable Futures Commissioner and Chair of the Climate Change Commission, will address the Renewable Wales Network Conference at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth  on October 17th, and will call for the industry to work together to realise the economic potential of renewable energy to Wales and to ensure that actions overtake the current rhetoric.

‘Renewable energy supply from the vast array of sources we have available in Wales will not only provide jobs and investment in Wales, but it will bring a much-needed boost to our efforts to cut CO2 emissions. Through this we will reduce our overall carbon footprint as a nation as well as contributing to energy security,’ said Peter Davies.

The Welsh Government has set a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its areas of responsibility by 3% per year from 2011 and the UK and Wales have a legally binding duty to tackle climate change.  The conference will hear that delivering new renewable energy development in all its forms can and will play a key role in helping Wales meet these targets.

In order to achieve this, the industry recognises that more needs to be done to ensure that all people involved, from politicians to communities across Wales, share the vision for a sustainable future and the broad benefits that will come with the the development of renewable energy.

‘The rhetoric around delivering a sustainable, low-carbon future for Wales goes beyond the reality currently,’ added Peter Davies.  ‘Community involvement in energy generation is key and we must inspire people to work together to generate more action and boost economic growth in Wales.’

The Renewable Wales Network will be holding a conference on ‘The Future of Renewable Energy in Wales’ on October 17th, at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth. The network has been established following a meeting at this year’s National Eisteddfod in Wrexham, where it was decided that a co-ordinated effort was required to promote the positive benefits to Wales of the renewable energy industry. Further discussions about the formal structure of the network will take place at, and after, the conference.

The conference will provide a forum for discussion over a new vision to deliver a successful future for clean energy generation in Wales.

The event will suit individuals and organisations with an interest in the future of renewable energy development in Wales.  We have an excellent array of speakers and there will be ample opportunity to network.

Event: Conference on ‘The Future of Renewable Energy in Wales’

Date: October 17th 2011

Time: 9:00 registration for 9:30 start – 17:30

Location: Centre for Alternative Technology, Machynlleth

For more information on the event and to book, please download the conference brochure available on the website: www.renewablewalesnetwork.org.uk


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