South Wales Kayak Anglers raise £1,000 for the RNLI

South Wales Kayak Angler’s Club have presented a cheque for £1,000 to Horton and Port Eynon RNLI Lifeboat Station. The money was raised by a kayaking fishing competion held this summer in Oxwich Bay, attended by over 80 kayakers from all over South Wales.

The cheque was received on the station’s behalf by Clare Payne, chairperson of Horton and Port Eynon fundraising committee. Club members from all over South Wales attended.

Richard Davies, RNLI Lifeboat Press Officer for Horton and Port Eynon RNLI says:

‘Our thanks for this marvellous donation goes to all the club’s members. After the presentation the kayakers and the lifeboat were launched in Port Eynon bay to practice various safety procedures.’

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