Powerful Student Fire Awareness DVD Launched

New powerful fire footage reveals that a student bedroom can be destroyed in only three minutes just as a result of human error.

A new DVD, launched yesterday by Local Government and Communities Minister Carl Sargeant, raises awareness of fire safety practices to students across Wales, using real footage of a fire in student accommodation.

The idea for the DVD was proposed by Swansea University and created by the All Wales Fire and Rescue Service Education group.

Universities across Wales were receiving high numbers of unwanted fire calls to their campuses, hoax calls and students failing to evacuate during fire drills. Although they were provided with fire safety awareness training, students were still failing to take ownership of their actions and not abiding by guidelines on fire drill evacuations, smoking and general fire safety awareness.

Launching the new DVD the Minister said “I commend the Fire and Rescue Service and Swansea University for working together to produce this DVD. It clearly demonstrates how the simplest of human errors can result in devastating consequences. It will be an important tool in educating our young people about the dangers that can not only destroy property and their university work, but more importantly can lead to injuries and even loss of life.”

Raymond Ciborowski, Registrar and Head of Administration at Swansea University said: “Following concerns, Swansea University Health and Safety and Accommodation Officers consulted with other UK higher education establishments and there was general agreement of the need to raise fire safety awareness amongst students. The proposal was discussed with Business Fire Safety Officers who brought it to the attention of the Fire and Rescue Services community safety departments in Wales. I am delighted with the powerful message from the DVD and we will ensure all our students see it as part of their Health and Safety training”.

Derek Masson, Head of Community Risk Reduction said: “We are always ready to help any organisation to highlight the terrible consequences of fire and were delighted to work with Swansea University on this project.

“As well as being distributed to Universities in Wales the message of the footage is already being utilised further a field. Watford General Hospital is using the film for their student nurses.  Gwalia Housing have shown it to international students and HMO landlords in Neath Port Talbot have all received a copy.

“It has also been utilised for fire setting behaviour courses, the fire services’ schools programme in Wales, supporting the Home Fire Safety Checks training for the public and has also been integrated as part of the training for a Mental Health project. I hope more organisations will take the opportunity to use this footage to spread the message of the need for fire safety awareness more widely.”

Charlotte Britton, Student Union Officer said; “Something as devastating as a fire happening in our accommodation can be hard to imagine, so the Students’ Union welcomes this DVD. It realistically shows how seriously we need to take all aspects of fire safety, and I urge every student to watch it.”

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