Owner collared for dog’s brush with the law

A Swansea woman has felt the long arm of the law after her dog was spotted fouling outside Townhill Police Station.

Lisa Lerwel, of Townhill Road, was issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice after Swansea Council enforcement officers followed her dog back to her home on Townhill Road.

The dog was unsupervised at the time and Swansea Council hopes the £75 fine will act as a deterrent to other dog owners.

Cllr John Hague, Swansea Council Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “Dog fouling impacts on the way communities look and we’re determined to do all we can to tackle the issue in Swansea.

“The majority of dog owners are responsible but there is a minority who let their communities down by either allowing their dogs to wander free of supervision or choosing not to clean up after their dogs when they foul in public.

“This will not be tolerated and our officers will issue fines if the owners responsible are caught.”

Swansea Council has about 500 dog mess bins in place across the city. Many dispensers with bags for owners to collect dog mess are also located along the promenade and in city parks.

The Council collects about two and a half tonnes of dog mess from the bins every week.

Fran Williams, the Council’s Team Leader for Litter and Enforcement, said: “We do all we can to educate dog owners to clean up after their pets. There really is no excuse for owners allowing their dogs to foul because there are hundreds of bins and dispensers across the city.

“This fine should send out a message that we will take action when we have sufficient evidence.”

Anyone who’d like to report an irresponsible person who continually allows their dog to foul in public should call 01792 635600 or visit www.swansea.gov.uk to fill in an online form.

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