Prestatyn Bus Station Works – Latest Developments

Denbighshire County Council is informing bus-users and residents in Prestatyn that works to the town’s bus station have been delayed and will begin on Monday, 7 November.

The £600K scheme will see improvements to this integrated hub including a new layout for buses, improved access to and from the town centre, and additional highway improvements.

The Council aims to enhance disabled access and improve facilities at the bus station.  Once complete, passengers will notice more shelter space, security improvements such as CCTV, better lighting and improved pedestrian routes between the town centre and bus station.

Originally the works were scheduled to begin in October, but the delay has arisen from a delay in the discharge of the planning conditions and also from delays in the developer appointing a highways contractor. The delay in the discharge of the planning conditions is chiefly a result of the extension to the planning consultation period.

Councillor Sharon Frobisher, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: “The closure of the bus station has required some bus routes to be re-routed. To do this requires the Traffic Commissioner to be given a minimum of 8 weeks advanced notice that routes are to be varied. This notification was given back in early August ahead of the planned 3rd October start.

“The delays incurred in the project start have, unfortunately, occurred since that notice was given. This left us with no choice but to implement the changes to the routes (and hence close the bus station) on the 3rd October. This notice could not be withdrawn because to change the bus routes back to as they were would require another 8 weeks’ notice which  is not an option”.

“we would like to take this opportunity to thank people for their patience and co-operation.”

Some preliminary works, such as the erection of site security fencing around the bus station and the removal of some shelters is likely to start this week, so there will be some activity happening on site shortly.


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