Award puts artist in the picture

A former Coleg Gwent Art student has been recognised for outstanding work during her time at College by one of the UK’s leading examining and awarding bodies.

When Art & Design student Lucy Edwards completed her course at Coleg Gwent’s Crosskeys Campus with a distinction, she was over the moon.  Now the talented artist has also been nominated for a WJEC Foundation Art & Design Excellence Award and has been praised for her exceptionally high standard of work.

Lucy, from Abertillery, will join other nominees in an exhibition at UWIC’s Cardiff School of Art & Design in Cardiff during November, where the overall winner of the award will be selected by artist Emrys Parry.

Lucy, who currently looks after her young family full time, is delighted with the nomination.  She said: “It was a big surprise but I’m really pleased to have been acknowledged in this way.

“I’m looking forward to the exhibition in Cardiff where I’ll be showing work from my course which includes three different types of portraiture – drawing, photography and 3D masks.  It’s a great achievement to have under my belt, especially as I hope to eventually go on to university.”

Lucy’s College Lecturer and nominator Christopher Williams said: “Lucy thoroughly deserves this recognition, her work and effort has always been outstanding.  She is a student who really gives everything towards achieving her goal.  We wish her every success in the exhibition and for the future.”


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