Remembrance Sunday Poppies ‘Pop Up’ Across the City

Cardiff Council has been working with the Royal British Legion to ensure Remembrance Sunday is commemorated across the city.  

From October 29, hanging baskets at Cardiff Central Station and trees in St John’s Church Remembrance garden will be dressed with poppies during the next few weeks and banners will also be placed on Central Square to highlight the event.

The Royal British Legion will also have a branded vehicle on Working Street to promote the annual Poppy Appeal.

This year Cardiff will once again hold Wales’ National Service for Remembrance, which will take place at the Welsh National War Memorial in Alexandra Gardens on November 13.

The Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Cllr Prof Delme Bowen, said: “As The Lord Mayor of Cardiff, I wish to add my personal support to the 2011 Poppy Appeal and ask the citizens of Cardiff to do all they can to ensure that The Royal British Legion is able to continue its valuable work with ex-servicemen and women and those who are currently serving their country around the world.

“From the news of current conflicts and the history of those of the past, we should all be fully aware of the rigours of being a member of the armed services and the toll this can take on individuals and their families, particularly when death or injury is caused in the course of their duties.

“It is at times like these, and times of other hardship, that The Royal British Legion comes into its own and is there to support those in need. But of course providing its invaluable and extensive range of services costs money and this is the reason why the success of the annual Poppy Appeal is so vital.

“The people of Cardiff and Wales always show fantastic support for our armed forces. The importance of doing likewise for the Royal British Legion’s annual Poppy Appeal cannot be stressed enough.”

To find out more about volunteering in your area contact Dudley Johnson, Regional Fundraiser for The Royal British Legion on 02920 230216, email [email protected] or visit

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