First for Cambrian Mountains Lamb on TV shopping channel

Tuesday 8 November 2011 saw Cambrian Mountains Lamb sold via the UK‟s top shopping channel QVC for the first time. The fresh Welsh lamb boxes of different meat cuts was be sold on air and via the channel‟s website. The lamb is produced by a group of farmers who are part of a rural initiative backed by HRH The Prince of Wales and adhere to strict environmental and animal welfare standards to produce exceptionally high quality meat.

The hour long cookery show, which was on air live from 1pm on 8th November, featured Cambrian Mountains celebrity chef Rhodri Edwards of Y Ffarmers, Llanfihangel y Creuddyn near Aberystwyth and Gareth Rowlands (farmer and co-founder of Rachel‟s Dairy) who is a Director of the Cambrian Mountains Company.


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