Tasty delights on Denbighshire’s school meals menu

Denbighshire’s award winning Catering Services have cooked up a brand new menu to tempt more children and young people to take a fresh look at the tasty school meals available.

The service has produced a brand new leaflet promoting school meals in Denbighshire and this has been made available to parents and guardians across the county.

The benefits of fresh school meals are:

  • Prepared by professionally trained staff
  • Freshly cooked every day
  • Staff will help your child to try new foods
  • Meals are nutritionally balanced to help your child develop
  • New menus regularly introduced each term
  • A nutritional hot lunch will help improve concentration levels throughout the afternoon lessons
  • Menus are seasonal with warming dishes in the winter and lighter meals during warmer weather.

The leaflet provides a range of information, including details of free school meals entitlement, how parents and guardians can get involved in the planning of school meals and the benefits of school meals compared with preparing packed lunches.

Councillor Sharon Frobisher, Cabinet Lead Member with responsibility for Catering, said: “Denbighshire is committed to healthy eating and is working hard with schools to promote the health and welfare of pupils.

“We continue to deliver the best food possible and want to help young people in Denbighshire discover and enjoy new and exciting foods that will encourage them to live a healthy and active lifestyle.”


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