Denbighshire Council tenants to have a say on housing

Denbighshire is encouraging council tenants to have their say on how to improve housing services in the county.

The Council’s Housing Services department has outlined a number of areas for improvement, which are:

  • Responsive maintenance, empty properties and gas servicing
  • Lettings and empty property management
  • Major repairs and improvement works
  • Rent income and arrears management
  • Providing value for money
  • Diversity – to improve service equality in the areas of age, disability. sexual orientation. gender, religion and race.
  • Access and customer care
  • Housing Management – Antisocial behaviour and estate management

It is also preparing to draw up Lettable Service Standards, which will set minimum standards for empty properties.

Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, Councillor Sharon Frobisher, said: “We are looking for customers to get involved and help us to improve these aspects of the service as they are best placed to tell us what works and what could be better.”

If you would like to be involved, please send your details before the end of November to:  Denise Roebuck, Tenant Participation Officer, 64 Brighton Road, Rhyl, Denbighshire LL18 3HN

Telephone – 01824 712964 or email [email protected]


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