Millar: Fuel bill help is a call away

A campaign to raise awareness of help available for people paying their fuel bills and keeping warm this winter has been welcomed by Clwyd West AM, Darren Millar.

The Home Heat Helpline is a freephone service paid for by Britain’s major energy suppliers to advise energy customers worried about paying their fuel bills and keeping warm during the winter. It also gives advice to low-income households in urgent need of heating help and advice.

Commenting on the service, Darren said:

“One in ten people is entitled to some form of help with their winter heating, but many are unaware of what assistance is available.

“The Home Heat Helpline can provide help to people who are worried about paying their fuel bills and keeping warm. It has trained advisers who can answer any questions my constituent’s may have. The Home Heat Helpline will also be able to provide callers with information on the grants, benefits and payment schemes which people may be eligible for.

“I would particularly urge those of my constituents who are over 60 on benefits, people on benefits with children under the age of 16, people in receipt of child tax credit with a household income of less than £16,040 and disabled people on benefits to take advantage of this service.”


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