‘Welsh Government not taking Bypass Seriously’ says AM

Montgomeryshire Assembly Member Russell George, said the Welsh Government needed to ‘get serious’ about the Newtown Bypass as it was one of the most valuable road schemes in the country.

Mr George once again challenged the Transport Minister, Carl Sargeant AM during a Welsh Conservative-led debate on the future of Welsh transport infrastructure, to publish his revised National Transport Plan and to commit to an early start date of the Newtown Bypass.

The debate was initiated on the back of a recent visit to Newtown by the Shadow Transport Minister, Byron Davies AM. Mr Davies teamed up with local AM, Russell George, to discuss the problems of traffic in and around the town with local residents and businesses.

Commenting Mr George said:

“It seems at the moment that only Welsh Conservatives are concerned about solving the traffic problems in Mid Wales.

“The Government are not engaged and that was clear demonstrated in figures published last week which prove they have been wasting money developing stretches of road in South Wales that were going to yield a lower benefit for tax-payer investment.

“The Minister needs to get serious about the transport needs of Mid Wales. Only by prioritising road projects in rural Wales will the Government get the maximum value of each pound spent.

“It will also send a clear message to businesses in Mid Wales that the Government is willing to invest in the future of key towns like Newtown, who are at the moment in danger of withering away.”

Photograph: (from L to R) Byron Davies AM, David Benett (of C.H. Bennett), Martin Debrulais (of W.R. Davies) Russell George AM and Jonathan Davies (of W.R. Davies)
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