Second phase of Renewal Area given the go-ahead

Ambitions to carry out further improvements in South West and East Rhyl can now go ahead after Denbighshire’s Cabinet approved plans for the second phase of the Renewal Area.

Having Renewal Area status enables Denbighshire County Council to submit annual bids to the Welsh Government for specific capital grant funding to carry out improvements.

The South West and East Rhyl Renewal Area was declared in 2001 and had a ten year lifespan. Over the last ten years, housing improvements were carried out to 228 properties at a total cost of £8.1 million.

Considerable environmental improvements have also been carried out to boundary walls and rear alleyways. Fly-tipping in alleyways was a concern for local residents and in some cases the problem has been resolved through the introduction of the alleygates scheme.

Now, following the decision to approve Phase 2 of the Renewal Area, further works required in Brighton Road, Church Street and the top half of Millbank Road will now be able to go ahead subject to resources.  This will allow the Council to address issues such as poor quality housing, poor energy efficiency, the visual impact on the town and the lack of affordable or good quality housing in the area.

Councillor David Thomas, Cabinet Lead Member for Regeneration, said: “The Phase 2 Renewal Area is a project within the Rhyl Going Forward Delivery Plan and will continue to be the springboard for a number of projects that will have a significant positive impact on Denbighshire’s regeneration priority.

“The success of Phase One speaks for itself, as we have seen many properties improve due to the significant investment made. The environmental improvements also carried out means that the works will have had a positive impact on the quality of life for local residents.

Denbighshire’s Cabinet had no hesitation in approving the second phase, as we realise the tremendous benefits the scheme will bring to our local communities in these parts of Rhyl”.


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