Air cadets help clear the coastal path

Holywell air cadets successfully tackled an overgrown section of the All Wales Coastal Path recently.

The air cadets joined forces with Flintshire’s Coastal Rangers to tackle a section of the Path at the old colliery site, Point of Ayr.

Over 200 metres of public footpath was cleared and reopened, as cadets and rangers pruned, shovelled and dragged overgrown scrub and soil away from the definitive path.

Peter Early, Coastal Ranger, was impressed with the cadets’ efforts:

“Clearly the cadets are a well managed, enthusiastic and disciplined team, and they tackled the job with a great deal of energy. We provided the tools and safety equipment, gave them a briefing, and they were away.”

Sue Davies, Commanding Officer for the cadets, said:

“We had a great day and the weather stayed fine, right up to the point when we finished and the heavens opened! We enjoy working with the coastal rangers and look forward to the next challenge they bring us.”

The Coastal Path is due to be opened next May, and community groups and volunteers are working hard to ensure that all the route is available for use.

BHP Billiton, owners of the site, also worked closely with the coastal rangers, to provide access. They are also a sponsor of a coastal ranger who works on the Dee Estuary.

For details about how to join the Holywell squadron, email [email protected], or visit

For further information about the coastal path, contact 01244 814931.

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