Davies: Labour is ‘denying reality’

Since the summer recess Welsh Labour Ministers and Assembly Members have called for 42 billion pounds of expenditure to be protected without saying where a single penny of funding would come from.

The Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Assembly has challenged the First Minister to ‘face up to reality’ and ‘behave like a proper government’.

Speaking during First Minister’s Questions, Mr Davies has also highlighted Carwyn Jones’ refusal to acknowledge his government’s failure to hit A&E waiting times. A week ago Mr Jones said ‘he did not recognise’ his government’s own figures, despite no health board meeting the four hour target in the last two years.

Similarly, Mr Davies also stressed the First Minister’s recent refusal to admit that businesses wanting to bid for Welsh Government contracts are facing collective costs of 20 million pounds.

Speaking outside the Senedd chamber, Mr Davies said:

“It’s about time Welsh Labour faced up to reality and started behaving like a proper government.

“Labour Ministers and Assembly Members have called for 42 billion pounds worth of expenditure to be protected since the summer. Yet not one, including the First Minister – has explained where a single penny of funding would come from.

“They are simply jumping on bandwagons and attacking every credible UK Government measure to deal with the economic crisis, with absolutely no alternative.

“The First Minister himself, who seems oblivious to his own government figures, is denying reality. It’s about time he admitted his mistakes and clarified where this additional funding should come from.”

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