Swansea University’s Bologna expert receives prestigious French medal

Huw Morris, Academic Registrar at Swansea University and one of the UK’s Bologna experts has been honoured with the prestigious award of Order des Palmes Academiques (Chevalier) by the French Government.

The Order des Palmes Academiques (Order of Academic Palmes) is an Order of Chivalry for academics and cultural education figures. Founded by Emperor Napoleon to honour eminent members of the University of Paris, it was established as an order in 1955. Originally only given to teachers and professors the scope of the award was widened to include major contributions to French national education and culture by people outside of France.

Huw was presented with his medal, along with other distinguished academics, cultural and educational experts by the Director of the French Institute in London at a ceremony held at the Institute in South Kensington. Other notable British recipients of the order include designer Norman Hartnell and actor and singer Michael Crawford.

Huw has been working with staff at the French Embassy in London to promote the development of joint post graduate degrees (at Masters and Doctoral levels) between Welsh and French Higher Education Institutions. Swansea University has been developing joint degrees with the University of Avignon and exploring possibilities with the University of Angers. The Ecole Centrale de Nantes is a partner in the Erasmus Mundus degree in Computational Mechanics which is also offered by the College of Engineering.

Huw has implemented some of the Bologna tools, such as the Diploma Supplement, has served on European University Association Working Groups, has co-authored two articles relating to the Bologna process and has recently been appointed as an assessor for the Erasmus Mundus Programme.

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