MP Urges Calls to the Home Heat Helpline

Clwyd West MP, David Jones, is encouraging people in Clwyd West to enquire about their entitlement to help towards the costs of winter fuel bills. About 20% of households in Clwyd West will have an entitlement; the average fund available is £250.

For details as to entitlement, contact the Home Heat Helpline on 0800 33 66 99 or visit the Home Heat website at: This is a free service which provides independent advice to people on low incomes on how to get help with their gas and electricity bills as well as other help such as grants for insulation or a new boiler.

David Jones MP said:

“Approximately 20% of homes in Clwyd West have an entitlement to some form of support. Anyone who is concerned about staying warm should call the Home Heat Helpline and seek advice.

“I would also encourage people to look out for neighbours, friends or relatives who may be in difficulty and make sure that they are aware of the Home Heat Helpline.”

Dragon’s Den star Hilary Devey is backing the campaign to raise awareness of the Helpline and speaks of her experience of struggling to keep her home warm before she became a successful businesswoman.

Home Heat also offers helpful advice about the steps everyone can take to reduce energy costs in their homes. For more information contact the Home Heat helpline.


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