Housing Association’s New Year resolution is to mulch tenants’ Christmas trees

To start the New Year with a clear conscious local housing association Tai Ceredigion is offering a new eco friendly service to its tenants and raising funds for a local charity at the same time. Tai Ceredigion’s Gwasanaethau Medra Services, which was established earlier this year and deals with estate management and maintenance works for less able tenants, are now offering to mulch tenants’ Christmas trees too.

Catrin Owen, Tai Ceredigion’s New Initiatives and Continuous Improvement Manager said “Instead of leaving your old Christmas tree to rot in the garden or putting it out with the rubbish Tai Ceredigion tenants can now contact Gwasanaethau Medra Services team who will collect the tree and shred it on site. You can then either keep the mulch for your garden or they will take it away. This is a great environmentally friendly way to dispose of your old tree. We are offering the service free of charge but ask as a thank you for donations towards a charity. We hope our tenants will take advantage of this service. If you are interested in this service please call us on 0345 6067654 and ask for Medra.”

Gwasanaethau Medra Services was launched this summer after Tai Ceredigion won a bid for £125,000 of European funding to deliver new services for its tenants. The services include estate caretaking to ensure that communal areas are kept clean and tidy, as well as a handyperson scheme for older and vulnerable tenants to assist them with non landlord maintenance such as gardening or minor improvements around the home.

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