She Tasted Good – Live in Brecon this evening

Editor’s Note: Some bands are life changing. She Tasted Good are one of them. I saw them in Brecon this summer. They were amazing and reminded me of what a live band should be all about. They are the reason I’ve come out of retirement and started playing in a band again. If you are within 100 miles of Brecon this evening then go and see them.

The George Hotel in Brecon is hosting a special turn of year music party on Thursday December 29th with Free Entry.

The event will feature cult 10 piece Theatrical Rock outfit She Tasted Good with with special Guest Miss Foo Foo Labelle of Burlesque Cardiff.

Manager Les Rees said “The period between Christmas and New Year can often consist of endless TV for many so with all this doom and gloom about, we thought this was a chance to get everyone out to celebrate with a free party and a great band to entertain us all”

She Tasted Good play a wide selection of rock covers with an anthemic sound but treat them as a starting point for a theatrical show with is in equal measure burlesque/performance theatre and rock gig.

Myriad costume changes and stage props appear from behind the smoke and lights in what is a roller coaster show of over 20 tracks from Ziggy Stardust to Pink Floyd via Jethro Tull and ZZ Top.

The band has been circulating on the underground circuit on and off for 20 years notably in Spain wher lead singer Kit Hogg lives. With lead guitarist “Don Simone” filling the glimmer twin role this is also something of a family affair with brother Gavin Hogg behind the sticks and son Koi on Bass.

Rhythym guitarist David Rome cuts a menacing pose in Droogie-like outfit, whilst PK Edgely handles keyboards and synths with Carla Edgely on vocals and dance. The Spartan’s Helga Grubb adds further to the glamour on sax whilst Jane Drewitt provides vocals and dance (Careful With That Chainsaw Jane). For the gig at The George, the band will once again be joined by Ella Chi on lead vocals for tracks such as a barn storming version of Janis Joplin’s “Take another Piece of My Heart”

Singer Kit Hogg said : “We’re really looking forward to playing in Brecon again where we have always
had a fantastic reaction – the message is that New Year starts early this year with She Tasted Good
playing a free entry gig for everyone. Leave the Turkey behind and come on down
to the free party at The George on December 29th ”

She Tasted Good “New Year starts early party”
at The George Hotel, Brecon
Thursday December 29th from 8.30pm
Free Entry
Food reservations : 01874 623421

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