Work to Begin on Remodelling Albany Road Junction

A busy junction in Roath is set to be transformed under the Council’s Neighbourhood Renewal Schemes programme.

The junction of Albany Road and Wellfield Road is in desperate need of upgrading and has been earmarked for a host of improvements to turn it into a safe and attractive centre-piece for one of the city’s most important shopping centres.

Works will include new, shorter pedestrian crossings on and around the junction; new pavements, trees, litter bins, cycle stands and seating; and the resurfacing of the roadway.

A series of community consultation events took place last summer and the plans were warmly welcomed by shoppers and traders.

Work is now due to start on Sunday (January 8) and is programmed to last for three months.

Executive Member for Communities, Housing and Social Justice and Deputy Leader, Councillor Judith Woodman said: “I am really pleased that work will soon be underway on upgrading this area. The Council has worked very closely with the local community and the project will see much needed improvements

She added: “During the construction period there will be some disruption and inconvenience for businesses, residents and others who use the junction. However, once completed, the area will offer a much better and safer environment for people working and visiting the area.”

For further information about the project contact the Neighbourhood Regeneration team at Cardiff Council on 02920 873263 or e-mail [email protected].


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