Davies: Private sector too weak to compete

Welsh Conservatives today condemned successive Labour Governments in Wales for failing to grow the private sector, as figures revealed average private sector salaries are as much as 18.5% lower than in the public sector.

Welsh Conservative Assembly Members called on Labour Ministers to start taking action to encourage growth in the private sector to rebalance pay.

Paul Davies AM, Shadow Minister for Finance, said, “Under Labour, Wales remains the poorest part of the United Kingdom.

Carwyn Jones and Peter Hain have both admitted that the private sector in Wales is too weak.

“Welsh Labour Ministers need to end their lethargic approach to the economy and start supporting families dependent on private sector incomes.

“We need to hear how Ministers will support small businesses, encourage entrepreneurship and attract investment to maintain and strengthen private sector pay for hard-pressed workers.

Carwyn Jones has refused to engage with a transparent review of pay levels despite his party supporting regional pay when in government in Westminster.  Welsh Labour Ministers should own up to their failings which have run down the private sector and contributed to the public-private pay gap.”

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