Horse rescued by Cardigan RNLI

On Sunday morning (15 January), two RNLI lifeboats from Cardigan were involved in helping a horse, which was stuck after falling down the cliffs in Ceibwr, Moylegrove.

The Atlantic RNLI lifeboat was first on scene and spotted the horse was stuck on a tiny shale beach inside a small cove. A few minutes later, the smaller D class lifeboat arrived and manoeuvred its way into the cove, closer to the petrified horse.

After obtaining a head collar from the owner who was on Ceibwr beach and managing to round up and catch the horse, a longer line was attached from the horse to the D Class where it was gently coaxed into the water.

It was decided by all involved, the volunteer lifeboat crews and Moylegrove coastguard, that the best way to carry out the rescue was to swim the animal around out of the cove and onto Ceibwr beach.

Once swimming, the volunteer crew made sure then her head remained above water at all times and gently escorted the cold tired animal to the beach.

She was then loaded into the horsebox and driven back to the owners farm.

Photograph by RNLI
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