Burns: Call for improvement in ‘early years’ education

Welsh Conservatives will tomorrow call for an urgent improvement in education programmes aimed specifically at ‘early years’

In an opposition debate, the group will highlight the Welsh Government’s 2011 Flying Start Evaluation, which concluded it is ‘having least success in reaching socio-economically disadvantaged families’.

The group will also address concerns raised about the Foundation Phase and call for a review of consistency and quality of training for practitioners.

It follows recent comments made by education watchdog Estyn, which claimed that ‘in a significant minority of schools children are not learning enough in the foundation phase’.

Shadow Minister for Education, Angela Burns AM, said:

“It is incumbent on us to make sure that every child has the best possible start in life.

“While we are supportive of the principles of both Flying Start and the Foundation Phase, there are inconsistencies and unachieved objectives in the implementation of them.

“Flying Start’s main aim is to target Wales’ most disadvantaged communities. According to a government report, it’s struggling to do that.

“The Foundation Phase has also been heavily criticised and a review into effective use of the outdoor environment and quality of training for teachers is now required.

“Early years interventions can play a hugely important role in aiding a child’s development and Welsh Conservatives passionately believe that effective programmes can help a child thrive both educationally and socially.”


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