Zambian student celebrates Masters success

An outstanding student from Zambia celebrated the award of her Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Swansea University today (Thursday, January 26).

Forty-year-old Linda Hamweemba graduated with a MBA with Distinction for the College of Business, Economics and Law at the University’s Winter Degree and Award Congregations, held in Swansea’s Brangwyn Hall.

Linda was working as a senior manager in Zambia when she decided to come to Swansea.  She arrived in 2008 to do a BSc in Business Management Finance, leaving her husband and family at home in Zambia.

Since then she has had to cope with lengthy separations – her first visit home was at the end of Part I of her MBA, four years after leaving!

Linda has now decided to stay on at Swansea to carry out a PhD on Zambian women in international management.

MBA tutor, Professor Antonis Simintiras, said: “Linda has been one of our most positive, popular, friendly and hard-working students. She has been an outstanding student and achieved a well earned and well deserved distinction in her MBA.

“Linda acted as student representative for the 10/11 MBA cohort, and has in many ways been a leader on her programme – someone other students look to organise and represent them.”

Linda said: “I am so pleased to be here today to receive my MBA, and can’t wait to get started on my PhD studies. I am particularly looking forward to going back to Zambia to carry out some of my research in my home country.”


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