Hunt is on for people to inspire Wales

Inspirational people who help their organisation benefit the wider community will be recognised in a new award sponsored by the Church in Wales.

The hunt is on for people or groups making a real difference to the lives of those around them for a new category in the Inspire Wales Awards.

The Corporate Social Responsibility award aims to encourage organisations to be more involved in their communities. Set up and sponsored by the Church in Wales, it is one of the 10 awards run by the Institute of Welsh Affairs in partnership with the Western Mail. All the awards are open to individuals or groups working in any sector in Wales.

The Bishop of Swansea and Brecon, the Right Rev John Davies, who will be on the judging panel, said, “To make a real difference to society, it’s not just individuals who need to get involved – companies and other organisations are part of society too, and the idea of this award is to promote initiatives that combine voluntary effort with support from companies or employers. That support could, for example, be financial assistance, free access to expertise, or goods in kind. There are countless ways in which co-operation and collaboration across the board can bring about lasting benefits to the lives of both communities and individuals.

“And, although there will be one outright winner, the real value of the award is in encouraging lots of good ideas to put forward and recognised for the good which their originators do. We look forward to seeing a wide range of initiatives that show how businesses (or public or third sector organisations) can improve the lives of other people – above and beyond what they do to earn their bread and butter.”

The closing date for nominations is April 6. To put someone forward, go to:

Or write to:

Inspire Wales Awards
Institute of Welsh Affairs
4 Cathedral Rd
Cardiff CF11 9LJ


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