Planning application – Cilmedw, Llangollen

Denbighshire County Council has confirmed it has now received separate planning applications to develop a new retail foodstore on the Dobson and Crowther factory site at Berwyn Street, and to relocate the print works business in a new purpose built factory on land at Cilmedw, on the outskirts of Llangollen.

The applications are submitted by agents acting on behalf of J. Ross Developments, of Oswestry, and are accompanied by a volume of supporting information including Environmental Impact Assessments.

The new foodstore would be served by separate accesses onto the A5, one into a customer car park and one into the proposed service area. The store operator is not stated in the application.

The replacement print works would be accessed by a new road onto the A5 opposite Mile End Mill, which would also serve an area of allocated Employment land at Cilmedw.

The County Council is consulting widely on the applications, and the planning section would welcome comments to assist the consideration of the proposals.

The plans are available for inspection online at and in hard copy form at Llangollen Library and at the Planning office in Denbigh.

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