Learning to trace your family tree

Are you related to the Princes of Gwynedd, or do you come from a line of villains? Here’s a great chance to learn more about how to trace your own family tree as Gwynedd Council’s Archives Service stages sessions to give people the taste of what’s available in their local archives and guidance on the best way to go about tracing their family history.

Two courses which will be held at the Meirionnydd Record Office, Dolgellau by Gwynedd Council’s Archives Service. The courses will give tips and guidance on how to set about tracing your family history and there will be an opportunity to look at different kinds of sources and evidence.

The session will provide a case study, as well as an opportunity to quiz the archivists. Those attending will receive an information pack – the cost of the course is £10.

Councillor Roy Owen, who leads on Archives for Gwynedd Council said:

“These courses will be an opportunity for anyone interested in tracing their family history to see the wealth of historically important records which are available, and that they have the chance to make use of these facilities at Gwynedd Council’s record offices. A whole host of important historical documents, including old church and chapel records are stored in Gwynedd’s archives.

“Similar courses held in the past have been very popular, so you’ll need to book a place if you’re keen to attend one of the courses.”

Courses will be held on:

Saturday, 18 February 2012: Family History Course (Welsh-language course)
Location: Meirionnydd Record Office, Dolgellau
Time: All day course starting at 10am

Wednesday, 22 February 2012: Family History Course (English-language course)
Location: Meirionnydd Record Office, Dolgellau
Time: All day course starting at 10am

You must book a place if you want to attend one of these courses. If you’re interested contact: Gwynedd Council’s Archives Service on 01341 424682 or e-mail: [email protected]

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