Four in running to lead Plaid and move Wales forward

Four candidates will be standing for the leadership of Plaid Cymru. Assembly Members Dafydd Elis-Thomas, Elin Jones, Simon Thomas and Leanne Wood have all accepted nominations to stand in the election to succeed Ieuan Wyn Jones as Leader of the Party of Wales.

Nominations opened for the post of Leader on 3 January and closed at midnight last night (Thursday 26th). Hustings meetings will take place across the nation during February before ballot papers are sent to every member at the end of the month. The result of the ballot will be announced at a special event in Cardiff on 15 March, one week before Plaid’s spring conference.

Plaid Cymru Chief Executive and Returning Officer for the election, Rhuanedd Richards said;

“I’m delighted to announce that four candidates will contest the party’s leadership. Dafydd Elis-Thomas, Elin Jones, Simon Thomas and Leanne Wood are all extremely strong candidates to lead our party.

“There’s been huge interest in this contest so far. The fact that so many members have chosen to be part of the process to elect a leader and move Plaid and Wales forward bodes well for our party in the future.

“We’ve seen a surge in new members in recent months, all ready to play a part in making sure Wales moves forward and reaches its potential.

“A series of hustings meetings will take place during February throughout Wales to give our thousands of members an opportunity to meet and put questions to all four candidates.

“Plaid Cymru’s Leader is elected using One member – one Vote, giving every grassroots member an equal say in who is chosen to lead the our party.

“Whoever Plaid decides to choose as leader, we know that Plaid Cymru has the talent which is capable of inspiring and reaching out to everyone in all parts of Wales and delivering on their ambitions.”


January 3rd 2012: Nominations opened for the post of Leader.

Midnight, January 26th 2012: Nominations closed as did the Electoral Roll for this election (i.e. the list of members eligible to vote for the Leadership election).

January 27th 2012: Candidates for the position of leader announced and letters will be sent to inform members of hustings meetings across Wales.

February 9th -23rd 2012: Hustings meetings take place across the nation

March 15th 2012: All ballot papers to have been returned to Plaid Cymru’s headquarters in Tŷ Gwynfor, Cardiff by midday on the 15th of March. The count and declaration will be made later on that same day.

March 23rd/24 2012: Plaid Cymru’s Spring Conference. New Leader to address party members and conference delegates.

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