Sara is Swansea’s Welsh Student Nurse of the Year

There was a double celebration for Sara Davies from Porthyrhyd in Carmarthenshire today (Friday, January 27), when she graduated with First Class Honours in Nursing from Swansea University’s College of Human and Health Sciences.

Sara, aged 21, was also the winner of the College’s Welsh Student of the Year Award.

The annual award, worth £200, is presented to a student who has shown the highest standard in their Welsh medium work throughout the duration of the three-year Nursing degree.

Speaking about her award, Sara said: “Being awarded ‘Welsh Student of the Year’ was beyond my expectations and I appreciate the recognition I have received. A First Class degree gave me a positive incentive but this award has further enhanced my determination to succeed in my chosen profession.”

Sara says her decision to study at Swansea University was a very easy one to make.

“First and foremost, the quality of the nursing degree on offer at Swansea, coupled with the excellent teaching staff and facilities, meant that I was provided with the best possible opportunity to learn and develop as a nurse,” said Sara.

“The opportunity to further my study through the medium of Welsh was also extremely important – as a fluent Welsh speaker, and knowing how important it is to converse with patients, their friends and family in the language of their choice in the workplace, meant that the Bachelor of Nursing Degree at Swansea provided me with the necessary skills to become a competent, confident and successful nurse.”

Sara took advantage of the opportunity to study a Welsh medium module as part of the Nursing degree.

She said: “It was great to be able to communicate and discuss through my mother tongue, as well as making close friends within the group. Being part of a small group, I was given the opportunity to express my opinion, learn a new vocabulary which was relevant to the course and receive amazing leadership by a tutor who was always on hand to support. By studying the Welsh module, my confidence grew and my first weeks in a new environment were made so much easier.

“The module enabled me to learn and use Welsh vocabulary that was relevant to my clinical placements. It surprised me how many patients, of every age, would rather communicate through the medium of Welsh.”

Sara added: “I feel proud to be able to care and offer help through the medium of Welsh and English. It’s also a nice feeling to be able to communicate with patients’ family and friends in both languages, which can often be in difficult and sad situations.”

During her studies, Sara embarked on an amazing adventure to India by taking part in the University’s Study Abroad programme.

Speaking about her experience, she said: “Without a doubt, the opportunity to travel to India through Swansea University’s ‘Study Abroad Programme’ was the highlight of my time as a student.

“I spent six weeks in Bangalore with a team of students from differing academic backgrounds, learning about the country’s health and education facilities. This opportunity provided me with an invaluable insight into a very different culture and way of life; it was certainly a life-changing experience.”

Sara now works as a qualified nurse on the General Intensive Care Unit at Morriston Hospital.

Sara added: “Throughout the three years, I gave my best within all aspects of the course. My efforts were rewarded by a First Class Honours Degree and my hopes realised.

“My success was overwhelming and has encouraged my ambition to achieve the best standard of performance throughout my nursing career.”

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