Million-pound city centre improvements making great progress

The million-pound makeover for one of the city’s most distinctive shopping is progressing well. areas is expected to be completed more quickly than expected.

Swansea Council is spearheading the upgrade of the Lower Oxford Street area that’s designed to make the most of the shopping environment generated by an eclectic mix of exclusive independent traders.

And from February 20 the second stage of the upgrade is due to kick-in, a week earlier than anticipated following good progress being made in the area of Oxford Street between Plymouth Street and Dillwyn Street.

Businesses are being updated on work progress with a letter drop inviting them to a special drop-in session in the City Centre Management Office on the 14th February, where businesses can provide details of any special delivery needs during the closure of Singleton Street, which will see diversions in place.

Businesses can also also contact the the project e-mail address which is [email protected]

The temporary closure of Singleton Street for around three weeks with diversions in place have been designed to minimise disruption to businesses and shoppers alike.

All footways and business will remain open for business as usual.

The temporary closure of Oxford Street between Dillwyn Street and Plymouth Street are expected to be lifted by the 14th February, in time for half term.

Chris Holley, Leader of the Council, said: “The recent SkillSmart report has remarked upon just how clean, friendly and welcoming the city centre is becoming.

“That’s a tribute to the efforts of retailers, independent traders and the council and it demonstrates that by working together we can make our city centre the sort of place shoppers will want to return to time and again.”

Cllr Holley said that the improvement works at the top part of Oxford Street have benefited retailers in the area and traders at the lower end would have the chance to benefit in the same way once the upgrade is complete.

He added: “The Lower Oxford Street area is famous for the individuality of its traders and the SkillSmart report highlighted how independent traders add to the vitality of town and city centres.

“When the £1m makeover is complete, it will only help attract further footfall to the shops there.”

The Lower Oxford Street retail area upgrade is one of a number of projects being funded by the Welsh Government through its Regeneration Area programme, the Wales European Funding Office and Swansea Council to improve the Swansea city centre experience for residents, businesses and visitors to the city.

Full details about the project and the Oxford Street road are available at and there’s a display on show at the City Centre Management Office on Plymouth Street, as well at poster sites on Union Street, Oxford Street and Singelton Street.


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