Work starts on regeneration scheme for Flint

Work has now started on an ambitious regeneration scheme in Flint. The Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) plans to comprehensively restore the historic appearance of Flint town centre and assist in bringing empty properties back into use.

Work is now underway on four three-storey properties on Trelawney Square, with the plan to restore these properties back to their former glory, with traditional shop fronts, stone cornicing and sash windows. Further projects are currently being developed with the help of the scheme’s project officer, and details will be announced in the near future.

Also, Flint’s Masterplan will be completed in March 2012 and will set out a new strategy for the future of the town, including improved housing and access for pedestrians and vehicles, better signage and links between Church Street and the Retail Park, making more of Flint’s historical legacy.

The intention is to boost the town’s ‘sense of place’ and image, and identify improvements to the local economy – particularly job creation, better green space and higher quality public areas. A key objective is to ensure that the town serves the local people better than it currently does and attracts more visitors to help boost the local economy.

Implementation of the Masterplan and the THI, and improvements to the town’s leisure centre will together result in a significant upgrade of the whole town. Combined with the launch of the All Wales Coastal Path in May, as well as other major events such as the Cultural Olympiad and the annual Flint Festival in the summer, 2012 will be a milestone year for the town.

Councillor Dave Cox, Mayor of Flint, said:

“The brake is off. Flint is embarking on what must be regarded as one of the major regeneration projects in 50 years. The town is moving forward into the 21st century, not forgetting its links to a colourful and exciting past.

“We are seeing the scaffolding going up, which represents part of a £1.6 million project to improve the shop frontages in Church Street and Chester Street. Our history is our future and the town’s planned transformation will be nothing less than what the residents deserve.”

Consultation on the draft Flint Masterplan will take place at Flint Town Hall on 23 February at 4pm to 7pm. All residents and users of the town are welcome. A formal presentation will take place at 6pm.

The THI is a partnership scheme that can offer generous grant assistance to owners or leaseholders to restore or re-use their historic buildings. This assistance, provided by the scheme’s partners, comprises of Flint Town Council, Heritage Lottery Fund, Cadw and Flintshire County Council. For further information on the grant scheme, contact Chris Rees-Jones, at Flintshire County Council on (01352) 703295.

Photograph: left to right, are: Carl Longland, Director of Environment FCC, Chris Rees-Jones (FCC), Cllr Dave Cox, Cllr Matt Wright, Paula Blellock (FCC) , Cllr Ian Roberts, Rebecca Alfonso (FCC) and Dave Heggarty (FCC)
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