Infra-red cameras shed light on dark secrets of deer and wild boar

Foresters are using state-of-the-art “stealth” cameras to capture infra-red images of deer and wild boar roaming Welsh Government woodlands.

The cameras, which are hidden on trees and are triggered by movement, will help Forestry Commission Wales to mount round-the-clock surveillance on the animals which, if left unmanaged, can cause significant damage to agriculture, forestry and vulnerable habitats.

The cameras will provide Forestry Commission Wales with vital information on the animals’ spread and help it to protect rare habitats from the effects of damaging browsing.

The specialised “Reconyx” cameras, which can capture still photographs of deer and wild boar as they roam public woodlands in the dead of night, can also record video clips to monitor their habits.

They have been set up all over Wales in areas where there is evidence of deer or wild boar movement, especially in Glasfynydd in the Brecon Beacons near Usk, Coed-y-Brenin near Dolgellau, the Lower Wye Valley and Radnor forest areas.

David Jam, Wales Silvicultural Operations (WSO) Wildlife Management Officer, said, “These cameras are a very useful tool for Forestry Commission Wales as they save us many thousands of man hours and a huge amount of vehicle mileage.

“The cameras act as a silent observer, detecting and recording any living thing which passes their infra red beam.

“By using the cameras to constantly monitor an area for up to six months, we are gathering data every day without physically driving to visit areas and undertaking survey work. It’s like having extra members of the team working full time on surveys for us.

“This is a great example of the use of technology to make our work more effective and reduce costs.”

The cameras will be a vital tool to help deliver the Strategy for Wild Deer Management in Wales, published recently by Forestry Commission Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government, Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and the Deer Initiative.

Although wild deer are not as numerous or widespread in Wales as in other parts of the UK, their numbers and spread are increasing, along with their impact.

The cameras have confirmed the extent of red deer in the Brecon Beacons as well as feral wild boar in the Lower Wye Valley, providing valuable information on which woodlands they were using and when they were using them.

They have also thrown up one or two surprises: while searching for wild boar in the Lower Wye Valley, a roe deer strolled in front of one of the cameras, though there was no firm evidence of roe in the area.

Forestry Commission Wales Wildlife Ranger James Upson said, “I can set these cameras up and know that they are working 24-7.

“The cameras are easily adjustable and take pictures that are high quality, which can give me an insight into the size, habits and movements of a population of deer.”

The cameras can be left for up to six months before they need to be checked. If the images confirm the presence of deer, this can be followed up with physical visits to carry out more detailed surveys into the impacts on trees and ground flora.

If necessary, thermal image surveys can then be undertaken to give a better indication of population density.

As well as the damage to native flora, agricultural crops and trees, deer can also cause road traffic accidents.

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