Minister hears of school’s engaging efforts with students

Successful efforts by a Denbighshire high school to enable all their students to achieve their potential were shared with Welsh Government Minister Leighton Andrews during his visit to the county yesterday (Thursday).

Mr Andrews, Minister for Education and Skills heard about the various projects during his visit to Rhyl High School.

In April 2010 the school was in Special measures, they realised the curriculum they were offering was not right for all their students.

Some were unable to achieve in the standard lessons offered and as such were demonstrating behaviours that were putting the quality of their education at risk.

The school worked in partnership with a number of outside agencies including Denbighshire County Council,  North Wales training, The Army, Pixel and Rhyl Football Club to devise imaginative and innovative bespoke curricular that not only engaged their students but allowed them to really achieve.These  curricular included gardening, basic skills through football, digital media, essential skills, wider key skills public services and work experience opportunities. This was in addition to the normal school curriculum.

Each curriculum was bespoke and created to meet the needs of individual students. The results  from August 2011 show that the attendance of the group has improved by over 20% and the groups behaviour and engagement profiles had been excellent.

All 42 Year 11 students completed their education and gained beyond anything they or the school could have predicted for them, all gained a minimum of 3.5 Level 2 qualifications, 50% passed the level 2 threshold and all progressed to post 16 education and training.

Claire Armitstead, Headteacher of Rhyl High School said: “We are so proud of our students who took part in this program. They made a decision to make a change and grabbed the opportunity we created for them with both hands. The impact this program has had, not just for  the students on it, but on the whole school has been outstanding and we were delighted to share our experiences with the Minister today.

“The re-engagement program was a different way of thinking but a way that allowed our students to take control and responsibility for their futures, and due to this our school has developed beyond all expectations.

“Since the start of our program our whole school attendance has risen by over 4 %, our students are happier and more involved in their learning and the results continue to improve. In August this year the school achieved its best GCSE results ever (improving by over 30%) and exceeded all targets set by ourselves and the authority. We have worked really hard to engage with all our  students and  I cannot thank them enough for their commitment and co-operation..”

Minister for Education and Skills, Leighton Andrews said;”The Welsh Government’s 14-19 Learning Pathways policies recognise that each learner is an individual, and will therefore have their own needs, interests and aspirations.

Rhyl High School have applied this approach to their pioneering programme and it’s very pleasing to see the results. Clearly, the Re-engagement project is already making a real difference in terms of both attendance and attainment. The students should rightly be proud of their achievements and I hope that they use this as a springboard to further learning and fulfilling their goals and aspirations.”


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