Bronze age hoard from Carmarthenshire declared treasure

A Bronze Age hoard, which is thought to have been buried around 1000-800BC, has today (24th February 2012) been declared treasure by H.M. Coroner for Carmarthenshire.

The hoard of 13 bronze artefacts, including part of a bronze bracelet, fragments of a large bronze spearhead and a complete bronze socketed axe, was discovered in the Community of St Ishmael, Carmarthenshire on 7th June 2011.

Discovered by Kevin Sawyer while metal detecting in a small field under pasture, the hoard was identified and reported on by museum archaeologists at Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales.

An archaeological investigation and survey of the find-spot was undertaken by archaeologists working for the Portable Antiquities Scheme in Wales, the Dyfed Archaeological Trust and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales. This was undertaken with the assistance of the finder and confirmed the find-spot and burial context, suggesting that the artefacts had once been buried together as a hoard in a small pit.

Adam Gwilt, Curator of the Bronze Age Collections at Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales said:

“Through this and other recent finds, we are learning more about the kinds of places within landscapes where Bronze Age hoards were carefully buried. The spearhead and the bracelet show the kinds of weapons and personal dress items in use in west Wales at this time. The raw materials and casting bi-products also within the hoard add to our wider picture of bronze casting towards the end of the Bronze Age.”

Carmarthenshire County Museum is keen to acquire this hoard following its independent valuation.

“We are pleased to have this opportunity to add something new to the prehistoric collections. The Bronze Age lasted hundreds of years, but we have little from that time in Carmarthenshire’s past. We are excited to think that this significant discovery could find a home in the County Museum for the local community to enjoy.” Gavin Evans, Carmarthenshire County Museum Curator

Discovered in Time; Treasures From Early Wales is an accessible and beautifully illustrated book, recently published by the National Museum Wales (2011) and profiling the nation’s rich archaeological collections.

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