Davies: St David’s Day message

In his St David’s Day message, Andrew RT Davies AM, the Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly, said:

This St David’s Day is an opportunity to reflect on the proud history and culture of our nation.  Through our appreciation of the rich cultural heritage of Wales, we can also take pride in the modern, vibrant and diverse elements of our country.

It is also a chance to recognise the benefits we enjoy from living in a Wales in a strong United Kingdom of nations.  By being an integral part of one of the most enduring unions, Wales is recognised on the world stage.  In a few months’ time, Wales will play its part in the Union by leading the greatest global sporting event, the Olympics.

In future, we want to show off a Wales to the world, which also leads in standards of public services.  Unfortunately, too many of our services are far from world-class and are propping up the bottom of league tables rather than ambitiously striving for better.

NHS waiting times are much longer in Wales than in England. Incidence rates for cancer and alcohol-related deaths are poorer in Wales than in England. And 24 life-prolonging cancer drugs are now prescribed in England, which are not routinely available in Wales.  And, now Labour is cutting the Welsh NHS by 8.4% in real terms over the next three years.

In education, English students have overtaken Welsh students at A-Level, and the gap has widened further at GCSE. Per-pupil funding in Wales is £604 less than in England, while Higher Education funding is getting poorer.

Labour is dithering on measures to stimulate economic growth. Despite unveiling its flagship Economic Renewal Programme following extensive consultation in 2010, the Welsh Government has already conducted a review of microbusiness – with reviews of city-regions and business rates to come. The Welsh Government’s dithering and lack of direction on Enterprise Zones is further unsettling to businesses. Labour should stop reviewing and start acting to stimulate the Welsh economy and create much-needed jobs.

The Welsh Government has dithered and dawdled its way through the past 12 months and failed to use its new powers to deliver for the people of Wales.  Our nation needs leadership to drive forward the improvements we all want to see so Wales can stand taller.

Never has a Welsh Government promised so much and delivered so little, almost a year on from a historic referendum.


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