Sandbach: TB delays continue to snub farmers

Welsh Conservatives have condemned what appears to be another delay in the Welsh Government’s bovine TB policy.

Responding to a written question asking for an update on publication of a Science Review Panel report, the Environment Minister said: ‘I will make the report publicly available when I make a further statement in the Chamber which I hope to do in March.’

Last week the Finance Minister said a full announcement would be made in early March.

Last year both ministers, along with the First Minister, said a full announcement would be made early in the New Year.
Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs, Antoinette Sandbach AM, said:

“The Welsh Labour Government’s complacency over bovine TB is just staggering.

“Farmers’ livelihoods are at stake, yet all the Minster can say after months of delays is that he hopes to make an announcement sometime in March.

“That’s simply not good enough and this issue has spent too much time in the long grass.

“I would like to know what the Minister is afraid of and why this report hasn’t yet been made public.”


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