Powys Conservative Councillors Call for Council Tax to be Frozen

At a full council meeting of Powys County Council this Thursday (1st March) the ruling Liberal Democrat / Independent Cabinet will recommend a Council Tax increase of 2.25% and will seek the support of the full Council.

Cllr Aled Davies, Leader of the Conservative group on Powys County Council is calling for Council Tax to be frozen.

“The Coalition Government in Westminster has done as much as it can to help Local Authorities and has allocated £40million to the Local Authorities in Wales. However, the Welsh Labour Government has refused to pass the money onto Powys County Council. In fact, it made the situation worse by cutting the grant received.

Powys County Council must follow the example of other responsible Councils in Wales. The Conservative led Monmouthshire County Council has frozen its Council Tax in spite of having a much larger cut in their grant from the Welsh Labour Government than Powys.

“Over the last few years the Council Tax increase in Powys has been greater than the Welsh average and it is time to call a halt. The Liberal Democrat / Independent run Council is out of touch. On Thursday the Welsh Conservative Council Group will call for Council Tax to be frozen.”

Newtown Councillor Peter Harris added: “At a time of when pay is being frozen and energy costs are shooting up, hard pressed families are struggling to make ends meet. Powys County Council must consider the additional burden being placed on Powys residents, especially retired people on very tight fixed incomes.

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