Davies: Encouraging daily use of Welsh language

Commenting on the publication of the Welsh Government’s Welsh language strategy, ‘A Living Language’, Suzy Davies AM, Shadow Minister for Culture & Welsh Language, said:

“The focus in any strategy to nurture the Welsh language must be to encourage daily use in the community.

“While we have seen small growth in the number of people learning Welsh, there has been a decline in the Welsh language being used in the home and in everyday conversation, particularly in areas where Welsh has been most widely spoken.

“The ability to speak Welsh continues to be an advantage in the Welsh jobs market.

“Even now, learners and non-fluent Welsh speakers are hesitant about using the language, as I know myself.  This strategy does encourage them to just go for it.

“I especially welcome the Minister’s ambition to open non-Welsh speaking parents to the benefits of children being exposed to the sounds of the Welsh language at a young age to encourage their capacity for language learning.”


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