AM pleased with Growth Zone panel members

Montgomeryshire Assembly Member, Russell George, has said he was pleased the appointments made by the Business Minister for the Task and Finish Group that would examine Growth Zones in Powys.

In a Written Statement to Assembly Members, Mrs Hart said that Group would be chaired by Justin Baird-Murray, Managing Director and owner of the Metropole Hotel in Llandrindod Wells and that the Group’s membership will include expertise to “reflect the specific areas of private sector business; rural economic development and regeneration and small businesses in key sectors such as manufacturing, tourism and retail.”

Commenting, Me George said:

“I welcome this this announcement made by the Business Minister.

“I am particularly pleased that she has taken on board my recommendations and that there is appropriate representation from the Mid Wales Manufacturing Group, as well as the Federation of Small Business.

“The Minister is quite clear that this has to be a very short, focused Group and that they are to provide her with an interim report by the end of this month.

“It is vital that this process does not drag on because the Mid Wales economy needs proactive intervention now, not in a year’s time.”

Local Newtown County Coucnillor, Peter Harris, also welcomed the announcement. He added:

“I am delighted that this new Growth Zone package includes Newtown, this is just what the town needs.”

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