Success of Denbigh Townscape Heritage Initiative – Phase 2

Improvements to a number of properties in Denbigh have been completed as part of the second phase of the Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI), a scheme which aims to protect historic properties in the town.

The works completed are:

  • Royals Chemist, High Street – one of the oldest pharmacies in Wales, it has occupied the same site on Denbigh High Street since it was established in 1811.  The building as undergone external repairs, along with redecoration and repairs to the original shop front.
  • Coronation Buildings, Back Row – the last vacant building remaining on Back Row, it needed substantial repairs and conversion to form a usable property.  Work consisted of external repairs, new railings, replacement of the shopfront to one more in keeping with the age of the building, and the removal of inappropriate render.  The building will now be used as a delicatessen.
  • 15 -17 Bridge Street – a Grade 2 listed building that was once an inn.  The building has received external repairs, along with shopfront improvements and redecoration to Reebee’s Florist.
  • 90 and 92 Vale Street – the building is Grade 2 listed and was built as a butcher’s house, shop and slaughterhouse group.  The THI has funded repairs and improvements to the exterior of the building.  Interior work was funded with the Empty Homes grant and is now occupied.
  • 28 High Street, St Kentigern’s (formerly Crown Carpets) – the building is Grade 2 listed and occupies an important burgage plot on the high street.  The modern shopfront has been removed and a new appropriate front has been built in its place – it was designed by using photographs of the original shopfront, therefore reinstating what had originally been built.  St Kentigern’s charity shop has recently relocated to the premises.

Denbigh THI Phase 2 is funded by Heritage Lottery Fund, Welsh Government Physical Regeneration Fund (PRF) and Town Improvement Grants (TIG), CADW: Historic Buildings and Monuments, Denbighshire County Council, Neighbourhood Renewals Areas and Denbigh Town Council. The fund is around £5.5m for this phase.


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