Cycle to Work scheme

Flintshire County Council’s fifth Cycle to Work scheme is back between 19 March and 18 April 2012.

Cycle to Work is a Tax and National Insurance free scheme to help promote healthier journeys to work and reduce pollution and congestion.

By taking part in the scheme, employees can save an average of up to 25% off the cost of a bike in tax and NI contributions (depending on the individuals income tax band).

The Council aims to show the benefits of a Cycle to Work scheme and encourage other employers to offer their employees alternative transport choices and promote cycling as a part of a daily active and healthy lifestyle. Employers of all sizes across the public, private and voluntary sectors can implement a tax exempt loan scheme for their employees.

Flintshire County Council, in conjunction with P & MM (an award winning marketing services agency that specialises in performance improvement), launched its first opportunity to take part in the scheme in August 2009. Since its launch, 159 employees have participated in the scheme.

Council employees can register to participate in the fifth Cycle to Work Scheme between 19 March and 18 April 2012.

Enquiries about the scheme can be made to Sue Price on 01352 703296 or visit the Department of Transport’s website


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