Safer, cleaner playgrounds proposed

Caerphilly County Borough Council is taking steps to ensure children’s play areas become dog free zones.

In the interests of hygiene and to improve the safety of children using playground and games areas, a Dog Control order is being proposed.

The order will ban dogs from enclosed children’s play areas and Multi Use Games Areas, with the penalty for committing an offence up to £1,000.

In the 2011 Household Survey 49% of respondents felt that dog fouling was a big problem in their neighbourhood, the control order will also cover dog fouling as an offence.

The council does not wish to alienate dog owners and the proposals will be subject to public consultation before being implemented.

Rob Hartshorn, Head of Public Protection said, “Responsible dog owners will already realise that children’s play areas are not suitable for dog walking, this order will enable the council to target those who are irresponsible, making play areas cleaner and safer.”

In total 122 areas could be covered by the Dog Control Order, it is hoped this new legislation will enable officers to issue more Fixed Penalty Notices, and ultimately discourage irresponsible dog ownership.

The matter will be discussed by the council’s Living Environment Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday 20th March.

For more information contact 01443 235315.

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