Local bus subsidy options considered by Council

Swansea Council has agreed to continue funding a number of local bus services which were at risk of withdrawal.

Several bus services in Swansea are subsidised by the Council using Welsh Government Local Transport Services Grant funding.

For 2012/13, the Welsh Government has confirmed that this grant to the Council will be reduced by £174,000. This meant the Council needed to consider withdrawing some services.

Chris Vinestock, Head of Transportation in Swansea Council, said: “We currently spend around £1.2m subsidising local bus services. Half of this has been funded by the Welsh Government.”

The Council’s Cabinet has recently considered the reduction in Welsh Government funding but decided that it will not withdraw any bus services that it subsidises.

Mr Vinestock added: “I have confirmed that this will include the additional evening journeys on service 116, which were planned to end on 31st March.”

The Welsh Government is also reducing grant paid to bus operators to support commercially-operated services which is likely to result in cuts to commercially-operated bus services. A further report will be considered by Cabinet once bus operator decisions on commercial bus services are known.


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