Plaid leader joins launch of Cardiff and Vale election campaign

Plaid Cymru’s new leader Leanne Wood joined party members from Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan at a fundraising event in Cardiff to launch their council election campaign.

Members paid tribute to Councillor Delme Bowen, the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, who is stepping down from Cardiff political life in May. Councillor Bowen is moving to Carmarthenshire and seeking a seat on the council there.

Leanne Wood said: “Delme is one of Plaid Cymru’s solid stalwarts and always prepared to fly the party flag.”

She said that Plaid Cymru was a party with candidates determined to champion their local communities.

Leanne Wood added that local election campaign was an opportunity to continue with the successful party recruitment campaign which had boosted members by 23 per cent.

The South Wales Central AM has urged each member to recruit at least one person from their community.
“It is only with a strong Plaid Cymru that we will see a strong Wales.”

Councillor Neil McEvoy, leader of the Plaid Cymru group on Cardiff council, said that the party had an excellent record in government in the city and he was aiming for the largest Plaid Cymru vote ever in the city at the elections in May.

He highlighted the achievements including securing funding for a new business quarter and a central bus station, the launch of the Capital Cardiff Fund to help businesses and create jobs and the expansion of Welsh medium education and the St David’s Day Festival.

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