Davies & Ramsay: Green Investment Bank bid colossal failure

Welsh Labour’s failure to put forward a robust bid for the Green Investment Bank, cost the Welsh economy £3billion, Welsh Conservatives claimed today.

Cardiff’s bid was amongst the cities rejected at the very first stage, including the bids of Torbay, Bicester and Hull.

Cardiff’s bid, which Welsh Ministers claimed was robust, was repetitive and littered with grammatical mistakes and errors.

Andrew RT Davies AM, Leader of the Opposition, said, “The Green Investment Bank had the potential to bring £3billion worth of green investment into Wales.

“Labour Ministers gave assurances that their business case for Wales to host the Green Investment Bank was robust.

“Now this document has been exposed as repetitive, rushed and was clearly poorly proof-read.  It is little wonder that the Welsh Government’s case was thrown out at the very first stage.

“This was a colossal failure of the Welsh Labour Government to bring billions of pounds worth of investment into Wales.

“Labour Ministers need to answer for this missed opportunity for Wales.”

Nick Ramsay AM, Shadow Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology & Science, added, “We feared at the time that the Welsh Government was not taking the bid seriously and began building a case for Cardiff too late in the day.

“The credibility of Cardiff’s bid would not have been supported by the recent anti-capitalist rhetoric of the Business Minister.”

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