Cardiff Council ‘Switches off’ for Earth Hour

Cardiff Council will show its support for Earth Hour on Saturday March 31 by turning off lights in Council buildings across the city.

Earth Hour conceived by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), aims to raise awareness about global warming. The simple action of turning off lights for one hour helps to spread the message that urgent action is needed to combat global warming.

For one hour between 8.30pm and 9.30pm a number of Council buildings will switch off their lights, including County Hall, City Hall, Cardiff Castle and Roald Dahl Plass/Oval Basin in Cardiff Bay.

It’s the fifth year that Cardiff has taken part in Earth Hour, which was pioneered in 2007 by WWF-Australia in Sydney.

Cardiff Council Chief Executive, Jon House, said: “Earth Hour is a great way to raise awareness and for everyone to reflect on how our actions affect the world in which we live. This is something the Council has supported for the last five years. The simple act of switching lights off for an hour can make a huge difference to the planet.

“Everyone needs to take responsibility for climate change and as a public organisation we need to set an example. Cardiff Council has made a commitment to reduce our carbon footprint and we are working closely with the Carbon Trust with the aim of reducing the Council’s carbon emissions from non domestic buildings and waste by 60 per cent by 2018.”

For more information about Earth Hour log onto


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