Postal voters – watch out for your ballot pack

Ballot papers for postal voters in Denbighshire will be arriving on doormats over the next few days, ready for the local elections on Thursday 3 May.

13,000 postal votes have been issued. Dr Mohammed Mehmet, the Returning Officer for Denbighshire advises postal voters:

“When you receive your postal voting pack, make sure you read and follow the instructions carefully before completing your ballot papers. Don’t forget to include your date of birth and signature on the postal voting statement. This statement is kept separately from your ballot papers so your vote is always secret. Follow the instructions in the pack to make sure your vote counts”.

Kay Jenkins, Head of the Wales Office at the Electoral Commission, the independent elections watchdog, has also advised voters to make sure they return their ballot papers promptly.

“Postal ballot papers must be received by the local Returning Officer by 10pm on 3 May at the latest. So, as soon as you have completed your ballot paper and postal vote statement place it in the envelope and return it to make sure that it is received in good time.”

For more information contact: Electoral Commission Wales Office: 029 2034 6810

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