Developments in councils’ street lighting faults reporting

Denbighshire and Conwy councils are a step closer to having an integrated street lighting service across both counties, with a joint fault reporting service now being piloted.

Street lighting faults made to the 01492 575403 number at Conwy Council will now be received and processed by Denbighshire’s Customer Service Call-centre team in Ruthin.

The operator will take details of the caller and log details of the fault being reported using a database specifically designed for the purpose.  This database will automatically alert the Street Lighting team of the fault, who will respond to it and take action accordingly.

This will be regarded as a pilot project and evaluated prior to possibly extending the facility to other integrated Highways services at a future date.

Stuart Davies, Joint Head of Highways and Infrastructure for Denbighshire and Conwy, said:  There are many benefits to be gained from this approach. We will have a record of every fault reported and will be able to use the system to track progress with any faults reported.

“Joint working has proven successful in a number of areas of our work and this development will see a more consistent approach to the reporting of street lighting faults.  We are also looking at developing a joint online fault reporting system, once we have trialled this pilot.”

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